EXCEL Training


Understanding spread sheet and word-processing software is a baseline requirement in nearly 80 percent of all middle-skill jobs. These Jobs does not necessarily require a college degree.

There is no better program than Microsoft EXCEL for handling numerical data with complex calculations. Presenting the data in attractive graphical format or in the form of a dashboard. The numbers could be financial, marketing, manufacturing or any other, there is no better way to present and analyze them. The spread sheet program as it is popularly known has immense potential, unfortunately what is used is negligible, often due to lack of knowledge and awareness. Knowing many less known features and shortcuts in EXCEL can take the productivity and usability of the program to next level.  Even very experienced Excel users often discover really useful shortcuts and tips that they hadn’t come across before.

EXCEL COMPETENCY course is meant for beginners as well as for those who are familiar with EXCEL but want to learn & explore further. The course takes a step by step approach in presenting what is required to create and modify workbooks, work with worksheets, customize EXCEL environment, format worksheets, find desired data, copy & move data, create formulae, organize & filter data and print worksheet data.

Course Outline

1. Create Workbooks
2. Modify Workbooks (Worksheets)
3. Modifying Worksheet
4. Customizing EXCEL program window
5. Working with DATA and EXCEL tables
6. Change workbook appearance
7. Focus and manipulate specific data using filters
8. Sorting and Summarizing data
9. Printing
10. Important Shortcuts

Course Duration : 2 Days /12 Hours

E-Mail : mmanohar@illuminatedpathwayz.com
Phone : 09899300233